Tuesday 25 September 2018

Using Facebook Pixels To Advertise Campaigns

Using Facebook Pixels For Advertising Campaigns What Are the First Facebook Ads for Online Courses? What are the FIRST Ads on Facebook that you should do? Now this is a popular question… And trust me, you will probably get a different answer from everyone you ask, who has done or even just thinking of doing Facebook Ad Campaigns.

Looking at my experience with Online Course Creators, has been that they are experts in the topic they have created a course about which isn’t always Facebook ads. So for them to jump into the world of Facebook ads can be overwhelming and they throw some dollars at the Ads Manager and hope for the best. And then there’s the Facebook Pixel… Well that really sends them into a spin… Here’s a great tip… Install the Facebook Base Pixel on all your web pages that you own. Then Facebook will start to build you an audience of those that visit your website (giving you a warm audience) ready for when you start building your ads.

 High Converting Campaigns Site Conversions enable you to direct site visitors to particular pages with your site with the specific goal of getting them to complete a task, like joining your email list or making a purchase. Prior to you creating your ad, you may wish to add a conversion-tracking pixel to your web site, which will track the outcome of the goal you are wanting to track.You’ll create a pixel to be added to your Facebook Adverts Manager. Facebook Ads offer an easy and effective new method of Internet Marketing for web advertisers from diverse industries, like hotel, travel, food, beverages, automobiles, music, beauty and fashion, software, designer brands and more!

Advertisers using Facebook Ads, the latest trend in web promotion and sales conversions have experienced proven success across diverse industries since Facebook Ads have helped online business owners connect with their consumers for longer time periods in a more meaningful way! Now, Facebook have made it so easy for you.

Instead of being a newbie and being overwhelmed, the best place for you to start with your Facebook Ads is to boost the post. Boosting posts used to be very taboo and there still are many Facebook Advertisers who haven’t yet discovered the power of a Boosted Post to a Custom Audience. This is where you go into Ads Manager > Audiences to create an audience of people who would be your ideal client. So say if your ideal client likes Tony Robbins, you create an audience of People who Like Tony Robbins, in the U.S.A., aged between 25 to 34, and save this audience.

Then when you’re on your Facebook Page and you’ve uploaded the post from to your page (or a previous post that had good engagement), you can just tap that blue Boost button and select your saved audience. With those boosted posts, you can just put one dollar a day behind it. That can build a phenomenal audience as if your audience is in alignment with the message in your post, you could have people engaging with that post for just under three cents even as low as.005 of a cent or.002 of a cent.

 Another really hot, hot strategy is Facebook Live. Live Streams are becoming important in people’s Newsfeeds. So Boost your posts, either just a post you’ve already put on your page which has had great engagement or a Facebook Live. You can start testing audiences and fine tuning your message for just a dollar a day. For example, you could put a dollar a day into a Tony Robbins audience. You could put a dollar a day into a Zig Ziglar audience.

You can put a dollar a day into whatever other audiences. You could test five audiences. See who is more responsive. Then, target that audience in future, and the ones that are bit less responsive, forget about them, or try a different ad, and incorporate new audiences in as well. Start building an audience, getting your brand out there. If you haven’t gone Live, I’m sorry, but you need to.

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