Saturday, 25 April 2020

Crazy Marketing Times

How are you all coping with this Coronavirus?

I know me myself being an internet marketer and Web Designer it is one of those times. Everyone stuck indoors or practicing social distancing. Being in Ireland this hasn't been easy. People love to come together and socializing is a big deal. Right now I am enjoying online conferences. I am finding this has taught me that a lot more can be done online than I thought.  

What Are Shops Doing In America?

In Ireland shops have placements on the floor so you have to keep so far apart, and because this is Ireland it has lead to us all shouting across shops. Simply because we all can't help ourselves from greeting one another.

What Is Open And What Isn't?

In Ireland lots of things are closed, In fact since the lockdown in this country only the essential businesses are allowed to open. For instance, Banks and Shops. Other businesses are closed. Most people are hidden in homes and only go out when they are need of food and day to day things. But how long can we all survive like this? I am hoping that things get back to normal by September at least in Ireland but I find maybe this will go on for some time and people will always be having to be safe.