Sunday 17 January 2016

Learn 9 Years Of SEO In One Video Course

If you want to save yourself the 9 years I've spent learning and testing SEO... If you want to be sure you're running your traffic campaign the right way... If you're sick of the link building and SEO that gets you no results... Then You Need...

The Real Deal Behind Post Penguin Backlinks and what Google
looks at in your backlink profile... This will get clear up any 'backlink confusion' you may have, and leave you with a simple plan to follow, to leverage within your traffic campaigns.
The Biggest Mistake Marketers are still making choosing keywords to rank for... This not only wastes your time, but can actually get you penalized by Google in the process..
A No-Nonsense Approach To On-Page SEO and how to develop a truly Google-Friendly site, while avoiding the 'over-optimization' so many others fall prey to... This strategy directly improves several other ranking factors to enhance your ranking potential even further
One of the HOTTEST New Ways to generate instant, targeted buyer traffic to your website... And barely anyone is doing this!
Reveal The Most Influential Factor in adapting to Google updates, which will determine whether a site survives the next update, or gets discarded to the back pages... Put your focus on this and you'll not only achieve higher rankings, but a more profitable business overall.
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